Here are my notes from Steve Pike's training session at EFCAOne 2023 in Fullerton, California.
I believe this is condensed from his book,
12 Shifts
- We have to rediscover the church.
- Not building an institution, but rather catalyzing a movement.
- Must rest on a solid, minimal ecclesiology.
- Primary purpose of the church is to be a community of disciples with Jesus on His mission.
- Re-imagine discipleship.
- Lifestyle of disciplemaking.
- First principle of the church - go and make disciples.
- We give lip service to it, but have no idea how to do it.
- How do I help people who don't think they need the church / Jesus.
- What was happening in your life, just before you started to follow Jesus.
- All of them said, they knew someone who was following Jesus.
- How did you get in relationship with them? Some interest they have in common. Non-spiritual relational connection.
- When you know someone by name, you can begin to pray for them.
- Church full of disciplemakers, because that was what they knew. That is how they came to faith.
- Reinvent funding.
- The shift is from self-sustaining to sustainable.
- This requires opening up a full spectrum of funding.
- Tithes and offerings. Discipleship thing, not a pay-the-bill thing.
- Donor-based giving.
- Co-vocational ministry.
- Non-profit partnerships. (i.e FOOF grant!)
- For-profit partnerships.
- Rethink team building
- From titles and team building to communities of disciples on mission.
- Not looking for the best person to run the program.
- Redeeming architecture
- Part of the mission.
- Empty buildings to fully utilized assets.
- Reclaim the ecosystem
- From isolating to complementing.
- What do we have in common rather than what is different?
- Collaborate well you have to compromise.
- Complement not collaborate.
- You be really good at what you do, and we'll be really good at what we do.
- Recalibrate the timeline.
- Seeking side takes time. You have to a missionary mindset.
- One to 5 years in the planting stage.
- Refreshing the metrics.
- Butts and Bucks is what often is counted.
- What do we count and how do we count it??
- Measure how many people we are making aware of us in a positive way.
- Step of disciplemaking.
- How can we learn their name so we can pray for them?
- How can we transfer that into relationships?
- How many people are we having spiritual conversations with?
- Refocus church habits.
- Spend more time with lost people.
- How do we help them interact with lost people in an intentional way?
- Reconsider core values
- Moving from excellence to obedience.
- Recommit to multiplication.
- Foundation is making disciples.
- Does everyone in your church see themselves as a disciple maker?
- Have to have a good definition of disciple. They have to become a parent.
- Reactive Spirit dependency.
- When you are on mission with Jesus, He going to be calling you to danger and on the edge, and He will show up.
NextWave Discovering the 21st Century church.