Friday, December 2, 2016

Can you Bring Joy to God?

A favorite Christmas songs is Joy to the World, where we sing about Jesus coming into the world to bring God's joy to a dark world where joy is lacking. During the Christmas season, I have often reflected on how much I need joy from God, because I am sad or I have been trusting in things that bring momentary happiness, but do not bring lasting joy. Because of what Jesus has done, God does give us great and lasting joy through our worship of Him. But is the reverse true, can I bring joy to God?

Having grown up in a religious household, I knew it needed to behave to please God, but I never really felt like my life could possibly bring Him joy. My focus was on how far short I fell of God's expectations. Therefore, I have always struggled believing that God liked me, because I was unconscously convinced that His favor was dependent on my behavior. I have met many people from small towns and good Christian homes who have felt the same.

Therefore, when I read a verse like this:

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst;
he is a warrior who can deliver.
He takes great delight in you;
he renews you by his love;
he shouts for joy over you.

I do not immediately feel the impact of it. Here God is talking to a group of Israelites who are humble and meek, and who God has brought through a time of judgment that others in their nation had faced because they did not want to follow God. In other words, these are people who wanted to be children of God and now God comforts them by telling them that He will watch over them and delight in them as a good father does his children.

A good comparison to God's love and delight during the Christmas season is the delight you take in giving your kids and grandkids presents. For me, I get much more joy from showing my love by giving gifts than receiving gifts. Likewise, God loves to give good gifts to His children (see Matt. 7:11), and He does it not because we have done anything for Him, but rather simply because we are His kids.

God's greatest gift is Himself, in the person of Jesus. He offers this gift to everyone, and like the ancient Israelites, we have the opportunity to accept this gift. When we do, we too become His special children in whom He delights. His love renews us and He actually shouts for joy over you!

I am so encouraged by this incredible truth. Not only is Christmas a time to be reminded that God came to bring us joy, but we can take more joy in the fact that by accepting His gift we can bring joy to God our ultimate good father. 

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