Sunday, February 5, 2017

What does the Bible say about abortion.

This is a response from Facebook to a question about where the Bible talks about abortion.

Scott and Daryce, let me address your question. First, I think perhaps it is based on a faulty understanding of how Christians actually use the Bible. To my knowledge the Bible never says anything specifically condemning used car dealers cheating their customers, but it does say quite a bit about not lying, about not using bad scales, and about not being greedy. These principles apply in a number of business circumstances including the case of used car dealers. The fact that the Bible does not say anything about the modern practice of abortion does not mean it does not have principles that apply.

Here is my short version then I will explain it further down.

1. The taking of innocent human life is wrong based on the high value of human life, and this is found in both the Bible, and in most cultures as well.
2. An unborn human is still human life and therefore we should not take their life on purpose.
3. There is no moment other than at conception where we can define that a human life starts. Everything else is simply arbitrary.
4. Conclusion: Unborn humans have the same intrinsic value as other humans and we should not intentionally take their lives.

Long version

1. In the case of abortion, the primary principle applied found in Genesis 1:26-28 and then many places after, namely that human life has a very high value because we are made in the image of God. Genesis 9:6 actually connects this concept of the value of human life with the command not to murder, and of course the 10 commandments specifically talk about this as well. If you read the OT law, which lays out legal code for the nation of Israel, you can see that the Jews clearly had a fairly nuanced understanding of the concept of murder versus accidental death versus the responsibility of the governing authority's use of violent power.

Therefore, the principle of not taking innocent human life based on the high value of human life is well established in the Bible. By the way, this was and still remains a principle that is not agreed upon by all worldviews or other religions. The western concept of natural rights is based on the value of each individual given by God. In many cultures and worldviews throughout time, human life at any stage did not have intrinsic value, and that makes murder or mass murder much more likely in those cultures. Most of the time people know internally the value of human life, so they have to go through mental gymnastics to redefine the people they want to kill to be not truly human or not fully human, so that makes it okay.

2. Several places in the Bible such as Psalm 139:13 and in the Luke 1, where the pregnant mothers of John the Baptists and Jesus meet, there are clear indications that the life inside the womb is human life. By principle then that life should be protected. There is a specific passage in Exodus 21:21-25 that address a circumstance of a pregnant woman who gives birth after an attack. Some claim that it shows the Jews did not value that life as much because the baby dies and the offender is only fined. Others claim that the baby lives but the offender is still fined for the attack, but would be punished for murder if the baby had died. I think the passage is not clear enough to be used in defense of either position. I stand on the principles listed above and on the science listed below.

3. Scientifically there is only one moment that a unique human individual comes into existence and that is at conception. Everything else is simply growth and development. If someone else thinks differently then make your case.

Therefore, because human life has intrinsic value, we should not intentionally kill an innocent human at any stage of development.

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