Here is my argument of why I would not recommend any Christian attend a "wedding" among those identifying as LGBTQ+.
1. Any formal or informal relationship involving sexual intimacy outside of a marriage of one man, one female, for a lifetime marriage is sin. Any gay or trans intimate relationship therefore involves sin and they cannot have a true marriage. 2. A wedding by definition is a public affirmation and support of a marriage.3. Therefore, again by definition anyone voluntarily attending a wedding is giving affirmation and support to the "marriage" either implicitly or sometimes explicitly (I specifically charge the congregation with affirming and supporting the couple).
4. If a wedding is affirming sinful behaviors and relationships, then giving support and affirmation is also sinful and thus Christians should not attend.
As an addendum, if going to a wedding ceremony is simply about showing love to an individual and not about supporting their sinful behaviors, why would they be upset if you lovingly declined based on your conscience? What are they upset about? Is not the intent of having a public wedding to get support for the relationship from those you love and who you want to love you? Of course that is exactly what the wedding is about and that is exactly what anyone having any kind of "wedding" is seeking. So expressing your disagreement verbally but actually attend the ceremony is communicating opposite things, and actions speak louder than words.
With this argument in mind, perhaps then someone can challenge one of my premises or perhaps bring to bear other biblical principles that might make a greater good or lesser two evils argument. But until you acknowledge the substance of the argument you should not simply make a call out to maintaining a relationship or loving the person. It is not loving to affirm sin.
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