Tuesday, March 12, 2024

My Favorite Holiday

I am looking forward to writing the next few pastor articles for the local paper, because I get to focus on Easter, my favorite holiday. It is my favorite because, it is filled with hope and joy. We start out with the bad news of Good Friday, but end with the best news of Easter morning: He is risen! He is risen indeed!! All the songs we sing on Easter Sunday are filled with joy and praise and hope because death has been defeated.

The first Easter is the center of history. I know that the Christian calendar starts at what was thought to be the year of Jesus’s birth, but in fact Easter, Christ’s rising from the dead, is the moment that makes our new birth into the family of God a reality. The work of redemption was accomplished on the cross, where Jesus died to pay the penalty for the sins of those who believe in Him, but it is only at the resurrection that His followers and the world can recognize the effectiveness of His work.

Easter is when we can answer the definitive question of history, “Who is Jesus?” In the modern world, we are uncertain about what we know and how we know it. Many people even struggle with knowing themselves let alone the many other questions about meaning and purpose for the whole world. One of the reasons we struggle is that we do not perceive a firm place on which to stand and from which we can make sound judgments. So many things from politics, to family, to personal identity, to even the very definition of truth seem up in the air. But Jesus claimed to the “THE way, THE truth, and THE life,” and if what He says about Himself is true, then He can and should be the starting point for the rest of our investigation of reality.

Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Peter responded, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Yet not long after, when threatened, Peter denied even knowing Jesus. Why? Because while at one level he did believe in Jesus, he was not convinced enough to actually surrender His life. But the resurrection changed that for Peter because it verified Jesus’s claims to be the Messiah. 

By rising from the dead, Jesus proved He was the Messiah. He proved that the sacrifice for sins was acceptable and that our sins can be forgiven. He proved death was defeated, and that if we trust and follow Him, we can have eternal life with Him. Peter’s and all the disciples' lives were radically transformed when they saw the risen Jesus. So much so that even though they faced persecution and death soon after, they were more than willing to continue to proclaim the good news that Jesus was their Savior and Lord.

So the question remains for us, “Is Jesus who He says He is?” If He really raised from the dead on Easter morning, then yes. He is right now, the living and reigning Lord of the universe. He really is your Lord and your sins really are forgiven (or can be if you believe). You really can have assurance of eternal and abundant life with Him, because He is risen! He is risen indeed!!

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